Tag Archives: Roman Road

Littleborough Lane, Marton, Lincolnshire

Published: November 6, 2005    Last modified: November 2, 2016

[PiwigoPress id=1040 lnktype='albumpicture' opntype='_self' size='me' url='https://familyhistoryjournal.com/gallery']

Church of Saint Margaret of Antioch, Marton, Lincolnshire

Many of my paternal grandmother Ivy JACKLIN (née Ivy DIXON 1901-1983)'s ancestors lived in this region of Lincolnshire, and during their lifetimes, many lived at Marton, a small village close to the River Trent. In this region the River Trent forms a natural county boundary between Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire.

Littleborough Lane, Marton, Lincolnshire forms part of a Roman road which runs from Lincoln to Littleborough, Nottinghamshire, crossing the River Trent just west of Marton. In Roman Britain this would have been a major strategic crossing point and archaeological investigation has revealed the existence of a fort, presumably built to guard the crossing.

Further information about the village of Marton and its Roman road and fort, can be found at Roman Britain: Marton.

2016-11-01 The Roman Britain website has moved from roman-britain.org to roman-britain.co.uk so I have updated the links, though a note on the site suggests some pages of the archive may not work.