Hawksley Road, Sheffield 6

Published: April 3, 2007    Last modified: February 12, 2017

[PiwigoPress id=1178 lnktype='albumpicture' opntype='_self' size='me' url='https://familyhistoryjournal.com/gallery']

Florence Ashforth (née Florence Flowers 1876-1973)
Hawksley Road, Sheffield 6

Owlerton, Burton Street, Bamforth Street, Capel Street, Cuthbert Bank Road, Roscoe Bank, Shalesmoor, Jericho and Saint Philip's Road are districts and streets in the north-west of Sheffield where ancestors from my ASHFORTH line were born; most lived and died there too.

As a very young child I remember being dragged off to what seemed like far away places in order to visit the 'rellies', and how one felt like an explorer, cautiously examining an alien environment. During these visits we children would be quickly ushered out to play, usually into the backyard or street, which of course were quite safe, being devoid of motor vehicles.

I was born at Hawksley Road, just off Owlerton Green, though I don't recall there being a great deal of 'green' other than that of Hillsborough Park. I was christened at the Church of Saint John the Baptist, Owlerton, which remarkably, is still in service as a church, despite the dire developments which have taken place all around.

I remember there were three cul-de-sac: Hawksley Road (at the end of which were gates leading into the southern section of Hillsborough Park), Cheadle Street and Cannock Street. What I do remember quite clearly is that for some considerable time only one family owned a motor vehicle. I think this family, a retired man and wife, were named Mr and Mrs Thurlin. I recall they hated us using the gable end of their house for football, tennis and cricket practice, and the risks we took when the inevitable happened and we had to recover the ball from their backyard.

In the midst of row after row of terraced houses, Hillsborough Park was our saviour. We would spend most of our days playing football or cricket, until just before dusk when the toll of the bell would signify that the huge iron gates would soon be locked. Not that this mattered much, since as soon as the 'parky' had carried out his duties and was out of sight, we merely scrambled over the park gates and carried on playing until hunger finally drove us home.

Four generations lived in a rented 3 bedroom terraced house with the ubiquitous outside toilet, which was without an electric light, and of course, freezing cold in winter. But unlike many of the houses it had the luxury of a bathroom, admittedly very small but enormous when compared to a tin bath. The bedrooms were so cold in winter that I would sleep with a hot brick wrapped in a blanket to my feet. The brick was placed in the coal fire just before I went to bed. At least unlike an hot water bottle it couldn't burst, though third degree burns were always a distinct possibility.

My great grandmother Florence ASHFORTH (née Florence FLOWERS 1876-1973), her son and daughter-in-law (my grandfather and grandmother) Ernest ASHFORTH 1905-1990 and Emily ASHFORTH (née Emily BELLAMY 1903-1992), my mother and father and me. When some six years later my younger sister was born I guess we were probably officially classed as 'overcrowded'. So at the age of 7 years I and my family left the ASHFORTH household and moved approximately 3 miles to a newly built semi-detached house at School Lane, Stannington near Sheffield.

In the mid 1950's Stannington was still just a village, with a handful of shops, little new development and lots of wide open spaces. A totally alien environment to a young lad from the inner city.

Sheffield Register Office: Certificates

Published: April 3, 2007    Last modified: May 22, 2022

I have posted off an order for the following certificates to Sheffield Register Office:

Birth Certificate: Alice TURNER 1862-Deceased
Marriage Certificate: George FLOWERS 1839-1891 and Harriet FLOWERS (née Harriet LAW 1836-1903)
Marriage Certificate: George ELLIS 1860-Deceased and Emily ELLIS (née Emily ROSEWARNE 1865-1944)

Hopefully this will provide the information I need to extend my research of these lines.

Alice Turner 1862-Deceased

Published: April 2, 2007    Last modified: November 7, 2016

I have spent a great deal of time trying to establish a maiden name for Mary Ann TURNER 1828-Deceased, the mother of Mary Ann BELLAMY (née TURNER 1861-Deceased) the wife of Joseph BELLAMY 1857-Deceased. I have a copy of the marriage certificate for Joseph BELLAMY 1857-Deceased and Mary Ann BELLAMY (née TURNER 1861-Deceased) but Sheffield Register Office could not retrieve a birth certificate for Mary Ann BELLAMY (née TURNER 1861-Deceased).

I find this rather puzzling since FreeBMD records a birth during 1860, at Sheffield, of a Mary Anne TURNER. So in order to proceed further I have turned my attention to Mary Ann's siblings.

Originally I had planned to try and retrieve a birth certificate for Edwin TURNER 1859-Deceased but further research has produced a christening record for Alice TURNER 1862-Deceased. If my research is correct she was baptised on the 10th of September, 1864 at the Church of Saint Philip, Shalesmoor, Sheffield.

I have posted a request for a Birth Certificate to Sheffield Register Office and this time hopefully I will get a result.

This is almost certainly the correct area of Sheffield since as a young child in the 1950's I remember my visits to the Saint Philips Road area of Sheffield and in particular to my uncle Edwin BELLAMY 1919-Deceased and aunt Margaret (Peggy) BELLAMY (née Margaret KETTLEWELL 1924-Deceased) and their only son and my cousin Philip BELLAMY 1948-Deceased. Sadly Philip died in his early twenties.

The family lived in a terrace house on a cul-de-sac behind the Roscoe Cinema, though the whole of this area was later cleared to make way for road improvements and the new tram system. One of my earliest memories is attending a 5th of November bonfire night party. This was a communal event with the bonfire built in the middle of the cobbled street and the neighbours contributing baked potatoes, hot chestnuts, slabs of black toffee and toffee apples.

Harriet Flowers and Henry Hart: Marriage

Published: March 13, 2007    Last modified: November 14, 2016

Distracted as usual while updating part of my journal I landed on this previous post regarding Harriet HART (née Harriet FLOWERS 1873-Deceased) and Henry HART 1870-Deceased. At the time I could not find a marriage for Harriet HART (née Harriet FLOWERS 1873-Deceased) and Henry HART 1870-Deceased. Today I ran a search on FreeBMD since records are being added all the time and found an entry for a marriage between Henry HART 1870-Deceased and Harriet HART (née Harriet FLOWERS 1873-Deceased). They were married during September 1913 at Sheffield, Yorkshire, England.

This is intriguing. If my records are correct Henry and Harriet would been at least 40 years of age and the two children shown on the England and Wales Census 1901 about 17 and 14 years of age.

Henry HART 1870-Deceased and his son William HART 1897-Deceased are recorded as being born in Norfolk NK (I presume NK is Not Known, though I could be wrong).

I received from 'Judith' this comment to an earlier article:

Hart family Norfolk

"Don't know if this ties into your family anywhere but my 4xgreat grandfather was a bricklayer in the North Walsham area of Norfolk as was his father & grandfather. He was Philip Hart bpt 1787 married to Mary Barber. His granddaughter Sarah Jane Hart (my gg grandmother) moved to County Durham in the 1860's." - Judith

I am intrigued by this so I will add the marriage certificate for Harriet HART (née Harriet FLOWERS 1873-Deceased) and Henry HART 1870-Deceased to my task list.

Jemima Jacklin (née Jemima Easy 1797-1874)

Published: February 17, 2007    Last modified: May 22, 2022

As I have stated before, research of my JACKLIN line was made considerably easier thanks to Gary PARDOE's website Jacklin(g) Home Page. As a result I have not spent a great deal of time researching the family surname JACKLIN.

Today while searching on-line I came across a link to my ggg grandmother Jemima JACKLIN (née Jemima EASY 1797-1874) at Gates Family Genealogy. I have not come across this website before, so I was intrigued to know the connection with Jemima JACKLIN (née Jemima EASY 1797-1874).

My common ancestors with this line of the GATES family are John EASY 1749-1826 and Elizabeth EASY (née Elizabeth WOOD 1753-1839).

According to the information I found at Gates Family Genealogy John EASY 1749-1826 and Elizabeth EASY (née Elizabeth WOOD 1753-1839)'s children were:

William EASY 1781-1854
Thomas EASY 1785-1807
Richard EASY 1785-Deceased
John EASY 1788-Deceased
Simeon EASY 1792-1872
Keziah EASY 1792-1819
Ann EASY 1794-1814
Jemima EASY 1797-1874

The source of these names is given as the LDS IG. I always apply a certain amount of scepticism to this source so I hope to be able to verify this information through further research.

2016-11-07 The Gates Family Genealogy site seems to have lapsed so I have removed the link.

It would appear Gary Pardoe’s site is no longer available but a copy dated 2015-10-04 has been archived at Internet Archive – JACKLIN(G) HOME PAGE. An earlier but more complete archive dated 2006-02-05 is available here.

Clara Williamson (née Clara Ashforth 1895-1932)

Published: February 13, 2007    Last modified: February 15, 2017

[PiwigoPress id=993 lnktype='albumpicture' opntype='_self' size='me' url='https://familyhistoryjournal.com/gallery']

Clara Williamson (née Clara Ashforth 1895-1932)

Clara Williamson (née Clara ASHFORTH 1895-1932) was my great great aunt, the youngest child of William Henry ASHFORTH 1851-1899 and Ellen ASHFORTH (née Ellen TOMLINSON 1855-1943).

On the reverse of this photograph written in ink is this citation:

"With love from Clara to William"

William Henry ASHFORTH 1851-1899, Clara's father, died about 4 years after her birth, so this is most likely a reference to either her brother (my great grandfather) William Henry ASHFORTH 1873-1926 or her nephew (my great uncle) William Henry ASHFORTH 1896-1916. Her nephew William Henry ASHFORTH 1896-1916 would have been only a year or two younger than Clara; he died in action at the Somme, France on the 10th of July 1916.

Written in pencil on the reverse of the photograph is a date, though only 'June 10.....' is legible.

2012-01-27 In earlier research I recorded Ellen ASHFORTH (née Ellen PASLEY) to be the wife of William Henry ASHFORTH 1851-1899 when in fact later research showed it to be Ellen ASHFORTH (née Ellen TOMLINSON 1855-1943). I have edited this article to reflect the change.

Wedding Party: Burton Street, Sheffield

Published: February 13, 2007    Last modified: February 4, 2017

[PiwigoPress id=992 lnktype='albumpicture' opntype='_self' size='me' url='https://familyhistoryjournal.com/gallery']

Wedding Party, Burton Street, Hillsborough, Sheffield

According to my mother this photograph is of a wedding party at a house on Burton Street, Sheffield, Yorkshire, though she doesn't remember whose marriage was being celebrated.

Mother is the toddler on the front row dressed all in white and looking a little mesmerised. This photograph is most likely circa 1928.

Given time I'm hoping she will be able to identify some more of the children shown in this photograph and maybe even remember the names of the bride and groom.

2007-08-02 I was contacted by some relatives who provided invaluable information regarding this photograph. To read more about the people in this photograph click here.

2016-11-06 The lady on the back row, second from the left, is Jessie WILLIAMSON (née Jessie RENWICK 1908-1982)

Elizabeth Wild (née Elizabeth Flowers) and Florence Ashforth (née Florence Flowers)

Published: February 11, 2007    Last modified: November 6, 2016

[PiwigoPress id=990 lnktype='albumpicture' opntype='_self' size='me' url='https://familyhistoryjournal.com/gallery']

Front row 4th from right Elizabeth Wild (née Flowers) 1867-Deceased
Front row 5th from right Florence Ashforth (née Flowers) 1876-1973

I'm not sure what the occasion is, but this photograph of Elizabeth WILD (née Elizabeth FLOWERS 1867-Deceased) (front row, 4th from the right) and Florence ASHFORTH (née Florence FLOWERS 1876-1973) (front row, 5th from the right) depicts everyone wearing their 'Sunday best'.

Judging by the number of babies, perhaps it was a mass christening? or maybe a 'Whit Walk', since the babies are well wrapped up and the adults are wearing their heavy coats. Whatever the occasion their adult men folk are nowhere to be seen, though more likely, they are all still in the pub, celebrating.

One cannot but admire such a fine collection of hats! One of my main recollections regarding my great grandmother Florence ASHFORTH (née Florence FLOWERS 1876-1973) is that of her hats. Usually large, black, cylindrical and appeared to be made of straw. The hat she is wearing on this occasion is typical of her style.

Studying the background of this photograph, in particular the stone wall, I can't help but feel this is on a banking surrounding the perimeter wall of Hillsborough Barracks, possibly at the top end of Capel Street or Swamp Walk.

John Allen and David Allen

Published: February 10, 2007    Last modified: May 22, 2022

[PiwigoPress id=1111 lnktype='albumpicture' opntype='_self' size='me' url='https://familyhistoryjournal.com/gallery']

Little Gringley, Clarborough, Nottinghamshire

A couple of weeks ago I received an email via the feedback form on my jacklin.info website.

"My name’s John and I’ve just discovered we share the same great-great-grandfather (John Allen, b Little Gringley c1830)."

"I see your line develops through Zillah Allen, whereas mine comes from her younger brother David (b 1867), my great grandfather. The tree I saw had no other details of him so I will be happy to fill you in."

This is very exciting news.

As Juanita Lewis indicated at our meeting in 2006, and John has confirmed in a subsequent email, there appears to have been, at this time, two John ALLENs living at Little Gringley.

John ALLEN 1827-Deceased (christened 13/4/1827) to parents John ALLEN abt. 1879-Deceased) and Elizabeth ALLEN (née Elizabeth BIRD 1796-Deceased)

John ALLEN 1831-Deceased (christened 15/4/1831) to parents Thomas abt. 1799-1876 and Elizabeth ALLEN (née Elizabeth DEWICK d.1860).

Not suprisingly this has lead to some confusion. Hopefully, now I know which line to research, I can make some progress with my great great grandfather John ALLEN 1831-Deceased.

This news has enabled me to add additional information to my GEDCOM regarding David ALLEN 1867-1902, one of Ziller JACKLIN (née Ziller ALLEN 1858-1949)'s brothers.

George Ellis 1860-Deceased

Published: February 5, 2007    Last modified: May 22, 2022

[PiwigoPress id=987 lnktype='albumpicture' opntype='_self' size='me' url='https://familyhistoryjournal.com/gallery']

George Ellis 1860-Deceased

This photograph of my great grandfather George ELLIS 1860-Deceased must rank as one of the oldest in our family collection. Though I have not spent too much time investigating my ELLIS branch, I'm sure if I find time to visit the Sheffield Register Office I should be able to obtain at least his marriage certificate.

George ELLIS 1860-Deceased was born at Sheffield, Yorkshire and married Emily ROSEWARNE 1865-1944 during September 1882 at Sheffield.

According to my mother George was a very wealthy individual (when compared to others in the family). He owned his own factory probably grinding files, and a great deal of residential rental property in Sheffield and Rotherham. My mother recalls going out and about with him to collect rent from his tenants.

Obtaining a marriage certificate for this couple together with their birth certificates needs to be added to my 'Tasks'. Hopefully I can then establish their parents names and hopefully some indication as to where in Sheffield their respective families resided.

2007-04-22 I have now obtained the marriage certificate for George ELLIS 1860-Deceased and Emily ROSEWARNE 1865-1944. To read this update click here.

2007-08-04 To view my transcription of this marriage certificate click here.